Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Holidays and Stuff.......

Flipping the page over on my calendar to reveal the new month reminded me that we are "officially" in the holiday season. Although I am sure most people consider Thanksgiving the launch point or Black Friday.

I beg to differ.

I did have a holiday identity crisis yesterday however. I made a mad dash to the grocery store to pick up some last minute Halloween candy as it seemed my hubby helped himself to the trick or treat stash. I found myself dumbstruck as I entered the "Holiday" candy section, where there at the end cap were candy canes, peppermint striped Hershey's kisses and Lifesavers storybook sets. It really threw me off.....I was even briefly tempted..... candy canes or fun sized Snickers??? Couldn't they have waited even a day? I mean really, our holidays on a consumer level are now completely melding together. I find that once we get past the 4th of July we are all sunk. The stores start cramming back to school and Halloween down our throats.  We haven't even unpacked our picnic basket yet and we are expected to hurry up and grab the Elmer's, Pee Chee's, and a Zombie costume.

Seriously, I am hoping that I am not the only one who is disturbed by this.

While I sit here and complain about this, I realize that I am part of the problem. I buy the trick or treat candy, mail the letters to Santa, and buy stocking stuffers that nobody really needed. It is all conditioning and it probably started as soon as we were born. Just think about all the must haves for baby nowadays. Essentially, we are taught to replace the reason for the season with a shopping extravaganza......not to mention a frenzy to make everything perfect or at least die trying.

It is no small wonder that the holidays are at the top of the list of things that cause stress....along with not enough money or time, and the pressure to give gifts.

With this crazy economy I would venture to guess that stress this season will be at an all time high.

I am reminded of a video called The Story of Stuff.......it pretty much says it all.

I am going to try something new this year.....buy smarter. I am not saying that I am not going to indulge my kids in holiday joys. Instead, I am going to buy local and turn the consumption volume down....and revive tradition rather than gratuitous splurging.  In other words, in years past, I have gone a little over board. It is not just an economic decision. I truly wonder what we are teaching our kids if most of their wish list shows up Christmas morning from Santa and under the tree from Mommy and Daddy. Last year my daughter received from her Nana and Papa almost the complete CSI investigation and scientific equipment set and to date she has only played with it a handful of times. The set is currently sitting on a shelf in the linen closet with many stray pieces scattered throughout the house. This is only one example of many other toys that have been abandoned in our home. All of which were a MUST HAVE at one point in my kids wish list history. So this year we are going to assist our kids in crafting their wish lists. Be thoughtful, we are going to tell them.....because you will get to pick 10 items for each list. Of which only a couple items will be chosen, so make your selections wisely. (I will update how that worked after Christmas.)

Another way I  am changing up our holiday style is to volunteer.  I am looking at the Food Bank and caroling at an Assisted Care home.  Whatever we decide on, it will be for the simple act of doing something for someone else. The best part is that it does not have to be gift wrapped or sent UPS. A great lesson to teach my kids.....and perhaps some adults in my life. There are so many charities that need help especially this time of year. The Holiday Project is a good place to start, there are Food Banks in most major cities or simply type into Google "holiday volunteering".

I am looking forward to re-visiting old traditions like baking goodies and giving them to the neighbors and mail person. Singing Christmas Carols, going to church, Christmas pageants,  tree lighting ceremonies and reading the  Charles Dickens classic. I am especially looking forward to sneaking in some new traditions too.

Stay tuned.....